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3rd International Mouse Models of Skin Cancer symposium - 2-5 october 2016

Séminaires/ Congrès

A lieu le 02 octobre 2016
jusqu'au 05 octobre 2016

  • Lieu : Hôtel Le Saint Paul, Nice


Cancéropôle GSO partenaire

Skin cancer is a widely spread disease, which causes patient death and arises from both epithelial and non-epithelial cells. Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of skin cancers development will allow discovery of new molecular targets for therapeutic intervention.
To this aim, researchers have developed, during the last decades, innovative mouse models of skin cancers that bring new insights in many aspects of this life threatening disease.
This symposium will bring together internal multidisciplinary experts, including biologists, clinicians and physicians, in skin cancers and will provide latest discovery using innovative mouse models of skin cancers development and corroborate their finding with the corresponding human diseases.


Call for abtracts : deadline, September, 2nd 2016>>

 Scientific Committee : Sophie Tartare-Deckert, C3M, Nice; Chloé Feral, IRCAN, Nice ; Cédric Gaggioli, IRCAN, Nice ; Laurent Le Cam, IRCM, Montpellier.


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