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2nd SUNRiSE Meeting - Stem Cells & Cancer - June 26-27 2017

Séminaire/ Congrès GSO

A lieu le 26 juin 2017 à partir de 13h00
jusqu'au 27 juin 2017 à 16h00

  • Lieu : Genopolys (Montpellier)
  • Organisateur : SUNRiSE Network



The SUNRiSE network is organizing its 2nd annual meeting entitled "Stem Cells and Cancer" in Montpellier, from the 26th to the 27th of june 2017, with the support of Cancéropôle GSO and Cancéropôle PACA.

Objective: The cancer stem cell consortium (SUd CaNceR Stem cEll network, SUNRiSE network) aims at promoting interactions between researchers and clinicians involved in the field of cancer stem cells (CSC) in solid tumors. The meeting targets an audience of scientists and physicians interested in CSCs, developing research projects on the study of the biology, dissemination, plasticity and resistance of CSCs on solid tumors. About 100 participants coming from Montpellier, Bordeaux, Lyon, Limoges, Marseille, Nice, Paris and Toulouse gathered on November 18th and 19th 2015 in Marseille for the first edition of the meeting, supported by Cancéropole PACA and Cancéropole GSO. This second edition aims at reinforcing cooperation between the network's teams and at initiating collaborations with new teams, at the national level, in order to strenghten and enlarge the network.

Invited Speakers
Some pioneers and key actors in the field have been invited and will share their knowledge and results on the topic: Max Wicha (Ann Arbor, USA), Jeremy Rich (Cleveland, USA), Alain Eychène (Paris, France), Joerg Huelsken (Lausanne, Switzerland), Ilaria Malanchi (London, UK), Jonathan Pachter (Verastem, Needham, USA), Silvia Fre (Paris, France), Fabrice Lavial (Lyon, France), Elizabeth Moyal (Toulouse, France), Chann Lagadec (Lille, France), Patrick Mehlen (CRCL, Lyon).

Scientific sessions
• Targeting Cancer Stem Cells ;
• Transition between normal and malignant tissue ;
• Clinical & Industrial point of view ;
• Cancer Stem Cells and Metastasis ;
• General and Emerging Concepts.

Call for abstracts
Participants will have the opportunity to present their work. Around 10 abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation. Main dates:
• Call for abstracts deadline: April 21st 2017
• Registration deadline: April 24th 2017 (the event is full)
Due to limited seats, priority will be given to abstract applicants. Pre-registration to the scientific sessions is free but mandatory, and final registration will then be confirmed (5th of May 2017 at latest) by the organizers.


Congress venue, accommodation and registration fees
Scientific sessions: to be held in Genopolys. Access>>
June 26th 2017 Diner: Optional, to be held in "Puech Haut" Wine Estate (20 euros fees including transport by bus, visit & tasting and cocktail)
Hotels' list>>, close to Genopolys.

Scientific Committee: Pr Emmanuelle Charaffe-Jauffret and Dr Christophe Ginestier (CRCM, Marseille), Drs Julie Pannequin and Jean-Marc Pascussi (IGF, Montpellier), and Dr Thierry Virolle (iBV, Nice).


Institutional Partners


Private Partners


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