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Signaling in Cancer - November 30th & December 1st, 2015

The Cancéropôle GSO is glad to announce the third edition of its scientific event devoted to young researchers, to be held from the 30th of november to the 1st of December 2015
This 2-day coaching event will involve presentation and discussion of recent findings and future projects in the scope of Signaling in Cancer. The format of the meeting (focused scientific research themes, less than 40 participants, full pension in an isolated – yet beautiful – place) is deliberately designed to foster exchanges and communication between junior and senior scientists and strengthen research networks between the Great Southwest labs.

 See the workshop announcement

This workshop aims to allow young researchers to improve their ongoing projects and enhance the quality of their future publications. Selected candidates will have the opportunity to present and discuss their work with renowned experts in the field:
         Sirio Dupont, University of Padova.
         Luca Gianni, Department of Medical Oncology, San Raffaele Hospital - Scientific Institute, Milano;
         Juan Iovanna, Cancer Research Center of Marseille,................
A training session on publication strategies will be provided by Roberto Buccione, editor at EMBO Molecular Medicine.

10 young researchers (from advanced postdocs to young group leaders) will be selected for the coaching of their projects.
Additional 20 young researchers, affiliated to the teams of the selected candidates, will be invited to attend the workshop and benefit from such a unique experience.
Participants selection will be made upon the scientific quality of proffered projects and candidates' resume

Deadline to submit your application: September 13, 2015

Scientific scope
"From solid fundamental and mechanistic characterization of a new signaling node to therapeutic targeting"
Abstracts related (but not limited) to the following themes are particularly welcome: emerging (eg: hippo) or revisited (ex: isoform-specific PI3K, MAPK...) signaling pathways, tumor stem cells or microenvironment (including tumor immuno-escape), post-transcriptional or post-translational regulation, therapeutic targeting...