Image 2 caroussel

20th Annual Meeting - Perpignan 2024

Abstract submission


Oral communication : September 13 
Poster : September 13 October 7

To submit an abstract, you must first register


..........  Instructions to authors 

Abstract submission could be related to all cancer topics (axes, themes and working groups of the Canceropole GSO): present your recent work, platforms and open collaborations with industrials.

Titles and abstracts must be written in English (except for Axis 4 communications). The maximum length allowed for an abstract is 4000 characters including blank spaces. The abstract title, the author(s) or names of institutions are not included in the count of 4000 characters.


..........  Oral communications 

Oral communications will be selected by the Steering Committees of the Canceropole GSO axes & working groups. Selected researchers will be contacted directly.

Sessions opened to oral communications:

- November 20th : Cell signaling, microenvironnement and targeting / Health technologies / Genome Dynamics & Expression / Therapeutic Innovation and Biomarkers
- November 21st : Cancer microenvironment / Alternative models for translational research / La méthodologie et la réglementation dans la recherche interventionnelle en Santé des Populations (in french) / Cellular plasticity
- November 22nd : Translational research in rare cancers / L'intégration des patients partenaires en recherche (in french) / Metastasis / Les recherches sur les soins de support (in french)


..........  Poster presenter guidelines 

If you have been selected to participate as a poster presenter, here are some information to help you prepare your poster.

Your poster will receive a poster number. This poster number will be used to identify your printed poster in the Poster Area.

Poster size: the maximum size of your poster should not exceed 80 cm (width) x 120 cm (height), portrait style (A0). It is the presenter’s responsibility to print the poster.

We kindly ask you to put up your poster on your arrival. Mounting material will be provided if your poster is made of regular paper (not glossy, not laminated). If you prefer to make your poster in another type of paper (glossy paper, laminated) or support (fabric for example), you will need to provide your hanging system (clips and extra-strong adhesive).

Poster sessions will take place on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning.

The poster presenters will stand by their posters throughout the entire poster session and should be prepared to deliver a “two-minute take home message”.


..........  Young Scientist poster competition 

The "Young Scientist" poster competition is only for PhD students, post-docs and residents from the GSO. 5 prizes of €800 for best presentations will be awarded.

Contest participants must be present in front of their poster during the 2 poster sessions (Wednesday and Thursday).

Like every year, the Jean Paufique Foundation (Laboratoire Silab) will award a poster prize for a young researcher on the theme of fundamental and applied research in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of dermatological pathologies and more particularly skin cancers.

This year, the Evocan 2 FHU will award a poster prize for a young researcher from Montpellier-Nimes on the theme of cancer immunotherapies, that includes translational research, biomarkers and therapeutic innovations.

PLEASE NOTE: winners absent at the time of the award ceremony will be eliminated.


The "Young Scientist" poster competition is carried out with the support of :




..........  Registration and publication of abstracts 

The presenting author of an abstract must register for the congress. The submission of communications takes place in your personal space (cf. link sent with the confirmation of registration).

Accepted abstracts will be published in the online seminar booklet. By submitting an abstract, the presenting author confirms that all authors have approved the content and its publication in the seminar booklet.



..........  Grants for SUDOE PhD Students (Spain and Portugal) 

To support the cooperation between the regions of south-west Europe and help the recruitement of future postdocs, the Cancéropôle GSO offers several grants to late PhD students wishing to attend the meeting and present a poster. The grant will cover meeting fees, travel and accomodation. Selection will be based on the quality of the abstract submitted, in the frame of cancer research.

To apply : register online>> and choose the position "Student - PhD Student SUDOE Labs".

Application deadline : September 13th