Quality of Life Assessment and Analyze in Oncology - Recent Methodological Developments
April 3-4, Montpellier
Evaluation et analyse de la qualité de vie en oncologie - Nouveaux développements méthodologiques
Montpellier: 3 et 4 avril 2014
This new edition of the GSO international workshop on biostatistics applied to cancer will focus on quality of life. The objective of this third edition is to discuss methodology and models developed in psychology, biostatistics and epidemiology on quality of life.
Scientific committee
Chair: Caroline Bascoul-Mollevi - Institut régional du cancer Montpellier (ICM)
Franck Bonnetain - CHU Besançon
Anne Brédart - Institut Curie - Paris
Florence Cousson-Gélie - Centre Epidaure / laboratoire Epsylon - Montpellier
Sophie Gourgou Bourgade - Institut régional du cancer Montpellier (ICM)
Workshop location: ICM (institut régional de cancérologie de Montpellier) - pôle prévention Epidaure
Language: all powerpoint presentations should be in English, but lectures can be delivered in French or English, depending on speaker convenience.
Program: the scientific program / programme scientifique
Registration: registration form / formulaire d'inscription
Call for proposals: submission form