
Recherche de collaboration

Lettre n°2 - 22 février 2024

Canceropole-GSO Le Cancéropôle GSO relaie vos recherches de collaboration

Canceropole-GSO  Vincent CAVAILLES, IRCM, Montpellier

Bonjour à tous,

Vincent Cavailles, de l'équipe SNeC "Signalisation Nucléaire et Cancer" à l'Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier (IRCM) est à la recherche d'un partenariat avec une équipe spécialisée en sciences humaines et sociales pour le projet "Caractérisation globale de l'activité et de l'élimination des PFAS dans l'eau potable – PYPHAS".

Vincent Cavailles a récemment formé un consortium qui a répondu à l'appel d'offres doctorale Nexus ExposUM avec un projet transdisciplinaire sur les PFAS, incluant un volet cancérologie. Maintenant, il cherche à répondre à l'appel d'offres de la FRM avec le même consortium en y incluant une équipe spécialisée en sciences humaines et sociales.

Titre : A global characterization of PFAS activity and elimination in drinking water - PYPHAS

Résumé : The intricate relationship between medical research and advanced processes for the elimination of persistent pollutants is of paramount importance. This is particularly evident in the context of various cancers, including colorectal cancer (CRC), where the disease's characteristics—ranging from epidemiological aspects and epigenetic profiles to patient outcomes—are inseparably linked to environmental exposures. There is growing evidence that suggests a strong link between exposure to endocrine disruptors, such as bisphenol A and xenoestrogens, and an increased risk of cancer or resistance to chemotherapy. Defining this connection between environmental xenogens and cancer development is critical.

The overall objective of this research project is focused on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). These environmental molecules are widely used and practically nonbiodegradable. Consequently, they are detected ubiquitously in the environment and received increasing attention as global environmental contaminants. A recent study suggest that PFAS may activate the PXR nuclear receptor, which senses the presence of foreign toxic substances and in response up regulate the expression of proteins involved in the detoxification and clearance of these substances from the body. Interestingly, PXR is also a regulator of the growth and apoptosis of colon tumors.

With evidence of substantial PFAS contamination in various regions of France, and consequential potential health risks, the cutback of these compounds in water bodies becomes an urgent public health interest. Notably, the recent highlighting of the gap in epidemiological data regarding PFAS's effects on human health emphasizes the necessity for research geared towards providing input for regulatory guidelines concerning drinking water.

Capitalizing on transdisciplinary approaches, our agenda is threefold: firstly, to innovate and refine sustainable water treatment technologies to eradicate these micropollutants from drinking water, secondly, to assess the downstream health implications through toxicity characterization and thirdly, to delve into the effects of PFAS to act as PXR activating chemicals on the progression of colorectal cancer. Through such integrated research efforts, we strive to foster synergies between medical insights and environmental engineering solutions, ultimately advancing the health and safety of populations.

Partenaires du consortium:

  • Institut Européen des Membranes UMR5635 Université de Montpellier ENSCM CNRS
  • Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie IRCM- INSERM U1194

Partenaire recherché :

  • Une équipe dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales qui pourrait s’insérer dans le projet.

Si ce projet vous intéresse, veuillez contacter Vincent CAVAILLES.


Vincent Cavaillès, Ph.D.
Equipe SNeC "Signalisation Nucléaire et Cancer"
IRCM - Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier
INSERM U1194 - Université Montpellier - CRLC Val d'Aurelle
Parc Euromédecine - Campus Val d’Aurelle
208 rue des Apothicaires
F-34298 Montpellier Cedex 5, FRANCE
Tel:(33) 04 11 28 31 72 / 06 20 27 89 84

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31100 Toulouse
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