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2nd Young Scientist Cancer Congress - New Translational Approaches in Cancer Therapy - October 10-11

Séminaire/ Congrès GSO

A lieu le 10 octobre 2024
jusqu'au 11 octobre 2024

  • Lieu : Auditorium Dumontet of University of Montpellier


Laureate of the Canceropole GSO Seminar program 

Deadlines for abstracts' submissions
Extended - Oral - Young Scientists: July 31 (noon)

Posters - Young Scientists: Sept 06 
Registration : September 22







After a successful 1st edition, the 2nd Young Scientist Cancer Congress is taking place on October 10 and 11 2024. The congress topic, "New Translational Approaches in Cancer Therapy", will bring together basic, computational and clinician scientists.

Aim: promote the work of postdocs and young clinician scientists, optimize their career paths, establish networks, and enable new translational research projects.

Public: the conference is open to the whole scientific community, which are researchers and clinicians of all career levels.

Organization: This day will alternate presentations by internationally renowned keynote speakers, presentations by postdocs and young clinicians, application-focused presentations by 2 leading single-cell and spatial transcriptomics companies and a presentation from an editor of Nature Communications about scientific publishing and peer-reviewing.

Keynote speakers

  • Frances Balkwill (Barts Cancer Institute, UK)
  • Nicholas MacGranahan (University College London, UK)
  • Mara Sherman (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA)
  • Daniela Thommen (The Netherlands Cancer Institute, NL)
  • Michael Schmück-Henneresse (Berlin Institute of Health, D)
  • Charles Herbaux (CHU de Montpellier, F)
  • Joanne Clancy (Nature Communications, UK)

The physician's corner: a dedicated space for informal meetings between clinicians and researchers will be proposed.

The call for abstracts is for young scientists only, ie PhD students, postdocs & young clinicians. A selection committee of GSO postdocs/young clinicians will select the best abstracts for oral presentations and posters. An EACR prize for the best oral communication will also be awarded.

Venue: Auditorium Dumontet of University of Montpellier. Registration is for free, but mandatory.




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