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Workshop "Targeting cell surface markers in oncology" - May 27

Séminaires/ Congrès

A lieu le 27 mai 2024

  • Lieu : Amphithéâtre of the Bordeaux Biologie Santé (BBS) building, Campus Carreire


The "Réseau Recherche Impulsion" NEWMOON (New Models in Oncology) is pleased to invite you to its Workshop "Targeting cell surface markers in oncology".

Precision medicine in oncology hinges on targeting specific cell surface markers to hit tumor cells while sparing healthy tissue. Some of the known markers not only identify the tumor cells but also contribute to cellular behavior. Their identification can be the opportunity to reach the tumor with specific toxic therapies and contribute advancing personalized cancer care. This workshop gathers interdisciplinary experts who will share their knowledge and latest research on different ways to target tumor cell surface.

Registration, free but compulsory, before May 10.

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