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Workshop "Precision Nanomedicine" - 4-5 mars

Séminaire/ Congrès GSO

A lieu le 04 mars 2024 à partir de 14h00
jusqu'au 05 mars 2024 à 16h30

  • Lieu : Bordeaux



Axis 3 "Innovative Therapeutics & Biomarkers" and Axis 5 "Health Technologies" of the Cancéropôle GSO are glad to announce the organization of a common event devoted to " Precision Nanomedicine". It will be held on 4 - 5 March 2024 in Bordeaux.

This 2-days workshop will involve research presentations from invited keynotes and GSO members. Oral and poster communications will also be selected by the Steering Committee.

Download the preliminary program >>


Confirmed speakers

  • Pablo DEL PINO GONZALEZ DE LA HIGUERA, Centro Singular de Investgacion en Quimica Bioloxica e Materiais Moleculares, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • Florence GAZEAU, Matière et Systèmes Complexes, Université de Paris, CNRS UMR7057
  • Tristan MONTIER, Génétique, Génomique fonctionnelle et Biotechnologies, Brest
  • Els VERHOEYEN, International Center for Infectiology Research, Lyon & Mediterranean Center for Molecular Medicine, Nice



  • Extracellular vesicles and exosomes for cancer therapy & diagnosis
  • Therapeutic targeting
  • Theranostics (1) : Light & Magnetic fields, sensing & applications
  • Theranostics (2) : Radiotherapy, imaging and applications
  • Drug delivery


Scientific scope for "Precision Nanomedicine"

Abstracts related (but not limited) to the following themes are particularly welcome : basic, translational, preclinical, clinical ideas enabled by nanotechnology in life sciences that address diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, prediction and prevention of diseases.


  • synthesis, bioavailability and biodistribution of nanomedicines
  • drug delivery methods, mechanistic studies, toxicity or lack of, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, imaging, diagnostics; improved therapeutics
  • therapy procedures, innovative biomaterials
  • interactions of nanomaterials with cells, tissues, with the immune system and with living organisms in general
  • preclinical and clinical observations, case studies, regenerative medicine


Practical Information

    • Location : Université de Bordeaux - Campus Carreire - Batiment "Bordeaux Biologie Santé". 2 Rue Dr Hoffmann Martinot, 33000 Bordeaux.  
      Map >>
    • Public transports : Tram A - Saint Augustin


    • Oral communications: February 5th
    • Poster communications: February 12nd
    • Registration: February 23rd





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