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Young Scientists Workshop - BioFabrication & Cancer: from organoids to 3D printing of cancer cells - 13-14 january 2020

Formations GSO

A lieu le 13 janvier 2020
jusqu'au 14 janvier 2020

  • Lieu : Carcassonne




The Cancéropôle GSO is glad to announce that the 7th edition of its scientific event devoted to young researchers will be held on 13 - 14 January 2020
This 2-day coaching event will involve presentation and discussion on recent findings and future projects in the scope of BioFabrication and Cancer, from organoids to 3D printing of cancer cells. The format of the meeting (focused scientific research themes, less than 40 participants, full pension in a nice place) is expresly designed to foster exchanges and communications between junior and senior scientists and strengthen research networks between the Great South-West labs.



This workshop aims to allow young researchers to improve their ongoing projects and to enhance the quality of their future publications. Selected candidates will have the opportunity to present and discuss their work with keys opinion leaders in the field:

A training session on publication strategies will be provided by Abhay Pandit, senior associate editor at Biomaterials Journal (Elsevier, 2018 IF 10,273).



  • 10 selected young researchers (from advanced postdocs to younger leaders) will have the opportunity to present their project.
  • 10 additional young researchers, affiliated to the teams of the selected candidates, will be invited to attend the workshop and benefit from such a unique experience.

Participants selection will be made upon the scientific quality of projects and candidates' resume submitted online after registration.

Registration is free but only selected candidates will be allowed to attend the workshop


Scientific scope for "BioFabrication and Cancer"

Abstracts related (but not limited) to the following themes are particularly welcome:

  • biology / clinical: organoids, spheroids, host response, immunology and toxicology, clinical therapies, implantable devices, tumor microenvironment, extracellular matrix
  • technology: biomaterials, polymer synthesis and characterization, drug and gene vector design,  tissue engineering, medical technology, 3D printing of cells

<<< More informations and registration form >>>



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