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Signaling in Cancer - December 10-11, 2018

The Cancéropôle GSO is glad to announce the sixth edition of its coaching workshop dedicated to young researchers, to be held from the 10th to the 11th of December 2018
This 2-day scientific event will involve presentation and discussion of recent findings and future projects in the scope of signaling in cancer. The format of the meeting (focused scientific research themes, fewer than 30 participants, full board retreat in a beautiful environment) is designed to foster exchanges and communication between junior and senior scientists and strengthen research networks between the Great Southwest (GSO) labs

 See the workshop announcement

See the workshop final program

The main objective of this workshop is to allow young scientists to improve their scientific and career projects in the short / mid term and enhance the quality of their publications (confidentiality respected). Selected candidates will receive feedback from the following renowned experts in the field:

  • Alain EYCHENE, ITMO Cancer Deputy Director and group leader at Curie Institute, Paris
    « Raf and Maf Signaling in Oncogenesis and Development » team 
  • Urszula HIBNER, group leader at Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier
    « VHC and Cancer » team
  • Josep. V. FORMENT, Team Leader at AstraZeneca, Cambridge...............

Training sessions on scientific articles writing will be provided by Julian VENABLES, scientific writer (Science Sense).


• Around 10 post-docs and young scientists (CR and MdC), affiliated to a Greater Southwest lab, will be selected for the coaching of their projects and careers,
• Additional young researchers, affiliated to the teams of the selected candidates, may be invited to attend the workshop and benefit from such a unique experience.

Extended deadline to submit your application: September 14, 2018

 Scientific scope

Abstracts related to CGSO Axis 1 themes are welcome including (but not limited to): signaling pathways, tumor microenvironment and stem cells, tumor escape and resistance, tumor dissemination, post-transcriptional or post-translational regulation, tumor metabolism, therapeutic targeting.

Applicants' selection

• Respect of the scientific scope of the call,
• Scientific quality of the candidate's project(s),
• Candidates' resume.

Scientific committee

The workshop is organized by the following Axis 1 steering committee members
Julie PANNEQUIN, Institute for Functional Genomics, Montpellier,
Sébastien BRITTON, Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology, Toulouse,
Nicolas LARMONIER, ImmunoConcept Lab, Bordeaux.