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1st Young Scientist Cancer Congress (YS2C) - 5 octobre 2023

Séminaires/ Congrès

A lieu le 05 octobre 2023 à partir de 08h30
jusqu'au 05 octobre 2023 à 19h00

  • Lieu : IUCT - Toulouse


New research strategies for cancer therapy – from bench to bedside
Cancéropôle GSO partner

Aim: The main goals of this day are to promote the work of the GSO postdocs and young clinician scientists, to network, and to optimize their career paths.
Public: The event is open to the whole scientific community of the GSO (researchers and clinicians of all career levels).
Organization: This day will alternate presentations by internationally renowned keynote speakers, presentations by postdocs from the GSO, an application-focused presentation by a leading single-cell sequencing company and a presentation from an editor of Nature Communications about scientific publishing and peer-reviewing.

Invited keynote speakers 

  • Francesco Iorio (Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge / Human Technopole, Milan, Italy)
  • Olivier Delattre (Institut Curie, Paris, France)
  • Manel Esteller (Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute, Barcelona, Spain)
  • Kathryn McGinnis, Associate Editor (Nature Communications, London, UK)

Call for abstracts of young scientists ONLY : All postdocs and young clinicians are invited to submit abstracts for an oral presentation. Furthermore, PhD students, together with postdocs and young clinicians are invited to present a poster. A selection committee of GSO postdocs/young clinicians will select the best abstracts for oral presentations and posters.

Date limite appel à communication orale : 13 juillet 03 aout 
Date limite appel à communication posters : 08 septembre
Date limite d'inscription : 08 septembre

2 prix pour les meilleures présentations sur un sujet onco-pédiatrique seront attribués, sponsorisés par la Fondation Enfant-Cancer-Santé 

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